A one-woman design studio that empowers plant-based + sustainable businesses by crafting bright, intentional, and evergreen brand identities. Made in Brooklyn, NY.

Hi there! I’m Kait, nice to meet you.
My design journey started around when I was 14. I loved tearing apart my battered copies of Seventeen and Entertainment Weekly to create collages. I’ve come a long way since then, landing internships at House Beautiful and National Geographic after college. Since then, I’ve been a designer for 7+ years, working in NYC at various publishing, beauty, and tech companies.
I had always wanted to start my own design studio, and 2021 felt like the right time to begin. plantspace was born during my early mornings, nights and weekends while working in the corporate world. The idea came from my experiences exploring the vast vegan food scene in New York, which helped inspire me to go plant-based in 2017. With access to dozens of delicious vegan restaurants and unique sustainable businesses at my fingertips, I realized that even through small lifestyle changes, it was possible to help the planet and feel great doing it. I believe minimal changes can go a long way and the goal is to make meaningful progress with our lifestyle choices—not necessarily be perfect about every little thing. My goal is to help clients in the space make this world more accessible, bright, relevant, and like a no-brainer to their audiences.
When I’m not designing, I enjoy going for morning runs, strolling through the farmer’s market and browsing plant stores, coffeehouses and record shops for creative inspiration. I’m known for my love of avocados, bright colors, monsteras, and sunsets.